
An Introduction to GraphQL for REST API Developers

Why GraphQL? Before jumping into GrapQl, let us analyze a scenario for REST API. In REST APIs, we have resources. Each resource has an ID and methods to create, update, delete. Consider a situation; we have three models, company, employee, and task. A company has many employees, has many tasks, a task has many employees. And also, let’s say each task has a supervisor who is an employee. We can assume that we have GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE supported endpoints for all the resources.

Writing specs for application controller methods using Rspec's anonymous controller

Intro Hi, today I am writing about Anonymous controllers of RSpec. If you are here, you must be knowing how important it is to write unit tests for your application code, in my case, tests have saved me a lot of time from screwing up my applications. In this post I want to take a couple of scenarios, and explain how to test your controller methods using Anonymous controllers. Scenario I got an Application Controller on-base inheriting from ActionController::API, and a namespaced controller, which is Api::Version6::ApiController, inheriting from ApplicationController, from where all my controllers for a specific API version inherit.

Getting familiar with Elasticsearch

Intro Search has become such an extended part of our daily life. Before starting to write this post, I just searched for my fav indie artist Prateek Kuhad on Spotify, plugged in my headphones and here I am making keystrokes with the flow of Dil Beparwah 🙂. With a happy mood what I would like to convey is if you are building a web app, you gotta have the search features.

Web Scraping

Did you know that web scraping is integral to the data analysis process? It is because it allows quick and efficient extraction of data from different sources, which can then be processed to glean insights as required. Data Analysis is a huge market today, for some of the software giants it’s the source of every decision making, even for small businesses, they get to keep track of the brand value and reputation of their company.

Configuring DynamoDB and basic operations for ruby apps

Intro Hi, in this blog post I’m discussing some of the basic API functions which come in handy to use dynamoDB. These are all well documented on Amazon documentation as well as the library which might use to integrate with AWS, So why this post ? The reason for that is there’s a lot of options, and to help you with what you need in the beginning here I list my opinions and my suggested way of doing it.